Dr Srishti Sharma
Dr Srishti Sharma is a serial entrepreneur, social activist and a public speaker based out of India . With over a decade of experience in building businesses in various industries and running non for profit ventures , Srishti is also a global speaker and one of the most active voices around women entrepreneurship, startup up from scratch and business expansion . She is also a 5 timed TEDx speaker , josh talks speaker and with multiple scholars in business and leadership is also recognised as Asia’s most innovative women entrepreneur.

A serial entrepreneur with experience in ideation, management, finance, marketing, operations, fundraising and administration taking startups from an ideation stage to successful exits and acquisitions .
Founder of Shakti – India’s first women safety wearable. Founder of GAME. Co founder – Human science and more.

Social Activist
Founder of social initiatives like Kilkari, Rehmat , Masoom impacting over 100000+ lives and simultaneously running over 18 school structures.
Soon to be launching the SS charity. Being successful is not important, what you do with your success is even more important.

International speaker
A 5 timed TEDx speaker , josh talks speaker , keynote speaker at national and international platforms.

Angel investor
Always on a hunt to come across some great ideas and back visionaries up . If you feel you have that can impact the world , mail us at teamsrishtisharma@gmail.com.
Shakti wearable
Srishti Sharma is the founder and CEO of Shakti wearables- India’s first street smart product company innovating technologies and solutions for various societal problems.
Visit Website – www.shaktiwearables.com
Watch Shakti Wearables On Indian Angels | Jio Cinemas – Watch Now
Femi fund
Femi fund is an investment platform in form of soon a venture capital fund and a startup show investing into innovative ideas and partner for their expansion and growth . Srishti serves as the founder and general partner at Femi investments.
Visit Websites – www.thefemifund.com www.femifund.in
Do not startup
An Edtech entrepreneurial course that helps solves the basics and curiosity of every startup founder answering all possible questions and hurdles that entrepreneurs face while starting up from how to raise investments to how to hire a team with limited resources.
Visit Websites & Enroll To My Course – www.srishtisharma.in
Saroj Sharma foundation
Srishti is the founder and president of Saroj Sharma foundation. The foundation focuses on helping the underprivileged men and women across the country into different domains like safety, education, health and hunger.
Visit Website – thesarojsharmafoundation.in
Previous work –
Srishti has built companies in food tech, healthcare , gaming and education sector and hold the expertise around scaling up and taking platforms at standby mode.
Awarded with scholars like Young achiever 2019 awardee
Indian icon leadership 2019 awardee
Ex exemplary performer of the year 2019
Indian leadership awardee 2018
‘ Distinguished women entrepreneur of the year ‘ 2019!
Humbled to be recognised as Asia’s most innovative women entrepreneur of of the year 2022!
Also Listed as ‘Most successful female entrepreneurs of India ‘ now converted into a book !
& Counting!